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Choosing Wisely
For a better consumer experience

Helping Consumers and Carers to engage with Choosing Wisely Australia Website
Choosing Wisely Australia® is part of a global healthcare initiative to improve the safety and quality of healthcare. Choosing Wisely Australia challenges the way we think about healthcare, questioning the notion that 'more is always better'.
The challenge was to redesign the experience for consumers and carers on the website in order to access credible, reliable & professional healthcare information that is easy for them to understand.
High-Level Goals :
1. Address the content of the existing website from a consumer's perspective
2. Help Consumers to feel safe & confident when talking to healthcare professionals
3. increase the consumer’s subscriptions to Choosing Wisely Australia Website.
My Role
Interviews, User Research, Usability testing, Feature ideation, Sketching, Wire-framing, User Interface, Prototyping
Choosing Wisely Australia
2.5 Weeks
Ana Marre, Cassandra Nie
Figma & Miro
Understanding the Users
Choosing Wisely Australia Team shared their existing research with us. Primary users are consumers and carers who visit the website to get health information on the basis of their symptoms, treatments, and tests. But the research they provided us was more focused on the health professionals.
The Google Analytics that they provided us has major drop-out rates on the Navigation and Content, Investigation & Evaluate the 5 Questions and Content' and 'Subscription' page.
Target Audience
In order to meet our goals and understand a wider range of consumer behavior, we interviewed some Choosing Wisely current users. We also recruited participants that were not current users and had never heard of Choosing Wisely before.
The current website struggles with many usability issues.
Users indicated that the flow of the whole website was unintuitive. They struggled to identify for whom the website was for. There was also an opportunity to update the filter feature of the website.
Problem 1 :
a. Confusing Navigation
b. Finding it difficult to identify some content

Thought this is related to health insurance
Confusing Navigation Bar
*users thought it is for health professionals
Users didn't identify themselves as 'Consumers'
Problem 2 : Repeated Information

1.Repeated Information
2. Too much of text
3. Health Professionals related content
Problem 3 : Unable to use the filters

1. Unclear what Medicine Branch is!
2. Filters were confusing for the users and they were not able to do it.
Problem 4 : The structure of the page was very flat

5 Questions are too plain in format & didn't engage the reading.
Problem 5 : Registration was confusing

1. Confused between subscription & registration
2. Don't want to receive emails that are not related to them

Information Architecture
The IA is organised around the insights from user's behaviour on Choosing Wisely website. While we kept some important existing features and added other important features that would help the user get most out of the website.
Meet Tim & Erin
After getting acquainted with research conducted by our team and the various support documentation, We created the personas to focus on the consumer experience around user needs and solutions for current pain points.
A Confident Patient

Tim Smith, 32
" I am looking for a site that can provide me professional healthcare information when I need it"
Jobs to do
Tim's Frustrations
- Find out if there are any risks / side effects on the tests
- Subscribe newsletters relating to Vitamin D deficiency
- Find out what the treatments are
- Difficult to identify if the website content is for him
- Too much time spent on finding information on the website.
Tim's Goals
- Find credible, reliable and professional info
- Keep up to date with the healthcare news

Erin Calford, 26
" I don't want to spend too much time looking for information that is not for me"
Jobs to do
Erin's Frustrations
- Find out what rare liver disease is
- Find out what the symptoms, treatments & tests are
- Join a facebook group with those who are suffering the same disease
- Difficult to navigate the website
- Unable to understand professional medical terminology
Erin's Goals
- Find out what she could ask the doctor for the next visit
- Stay connected through social media channels
A Worried Carer
To approach the Consumer Experience redesign with a fresh perspective, I explored different interactions to build a better experience. Therefore, I did some AB testing on some design pages. The focus was on key values like preventing user errors and providing a better experience.
In collaboration with the Digital Head of Choosing Wisely, I explored iterations in columns, hierarchy, and content placement. Strong Explorations maintained the original Hero and Heading 1 on every page to optimise the search on Google.

User Testing
We conducted user testing on my mid-fidelity prototype in Figma to see how users would complete certain tasks once they were given some context. We conducted tests with individuals similar to our personas.
Participants were asked to complete:
You have been diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is a hormone that controls calcium levels in the blood.
Your GP has recommended some blood tests and possible treatments depending on the final blood test results.
You left the medical practice and you feel you didn’t get all the information needed and as this is something new for you you would like to research further.
So first I will show you this page, and I would like you to talk out loud about what you see and explain to me what are you doing and why...You also would like to subscribe to the newsletter to receive information on Vitamin D Deficiency.How would you go back to the search options from here? You might also like to read more about the 5 Questions
Affinity Mapping
After the testing, I organised my findings in an affinity map to identify the positives, the issues, and potential solutions. The affinity map helped me prioritise design revisions based on recurring pain points revealed during testing.
1. easy to identify who they are and where they want to navigate further
2. easy to identify the questions related to the condition and find the information rich
3. ready to subscribe for newsletter
Pain Points
1. Some information like feature stories & feature resources were not clear
2. Filters and categories didn't make any sense
3. Five questions were still not eye-catchy
User Interface
Choosing Wisely Australia's website was redesigned 6 months back, so the clients didn’t want to change the whole look and feel of the website. So, I followed the existing visual design elements as best as I could using the product's existing colors, typography, and 3 column layout. I also made sure to be in direct contact with the Developer's team to understand what is possible for them to develop in a short period of time.

This project was challenging yet rewarding because clients were very happy and satisfied with the work and also wanted to implement the design to their existing website. It was challenging at times because none of our team had a medical background and sometimes it was very important to understand from a health professional perspective as well before implementing any design changes.
I enjoyed solving the problems that users encountered in the current Choosing Wisely Australia Website and observing participants validate my solutions! I learned that users found the questions and information very helpful on the Condition page - it helped them learn more about the conditions.
Next Steps
The next steps would be to further test and iterate on the design.
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